Oracle Database Management Strategic Directions

1. Best Practices for managing Oracle database servers.
2. Oracle Fusion Middleware products like J2EE, ADF, XML, BPEL, SOA, Web Services, Discoverer...).
3. Oracle Application Servers and Apache.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Cloud Computing: The Importance of Understanding Technology Shifts

The technology environments being used by startup companies is always important to understand. These environments show the next generation of where technology and business are going. After startup organizations maximize these technologies you then see these technologies grow into large organizations. In the last thirty years we have seen the importance of recognizing this. What's interesting yet not surprising is that patterns of change are occurring faster and faster.
  • 1980s - 2000 - During this time desktop computing, Unix, client/server, relational databases allowed small organizations to compete against the traditional big companies running IBM, DEC, Prime, Unisys who were the traditional technology powers in the 1960s and 1970s. (note: I wonder how may know even who DEC, Prime and Unisys are)
  • 2000 - 2005 - During this time commodity hardware (x86), Linux, mid-range systems, clustering (growing systems horizontally instead of vertically) is where you seen tremendous growth.
  • 2005 - Today - Open source has been the big growth area using Linux, MySQL, PHP, Apache to growth large scale web solutions.
  • Today - - Cloud computing and Software As A Service (SAAS) have the potential to be the next big growth area.
Each of these technology shifts were first seen by startup organizations that needed to leverage the cost efficiency and effectiveness of new technology to compete against larger firms. It will be important to watch the emergence of open source, cloud computing and SAAS and the role they play in business growth and development.

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